How to Inspire Action Through Video Creativity

Social media, over recent years, has become a fundamental tool in the distribution of information, opinion and entertainment. A vital medium in response to new social movements, public demands and activism. However, in order to further extend certain aspects connected with a particular topic, such as Artivism, there are other instruments: as is the case of the video-essay

To explore in greater depth and understand the key elements of a particular subject, the video-essay may be seen as one of the most fruitful options. It involves audiovisual content from which critical, reflective and subjective opinions are drawn, in an approachable and colloquial tone, with the aim of taking the discussion of a subject to the next level. 

Get to know, through this video-tutorial, CELTX and Avid First to be able to make your own script and your own audiovisual content!

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