Storytelling Through Social Media
Are you a keen user of social media? Do you like to communicate with your peers, find interesting news, join events, take action through common activities, share your thoughts and comment on others’ posts? With the tool we present here – storytelling thrοugh social media – you will find a practical guide on how to use your favorite platforms (here we chose Facebook groups) in order to convey your own message, to tell an important story, to make others engage with your cause, to spread the word! See step by step how to unlock the power of the Facebook groups in specific, in order to narrate a story using visuals, words and hashtags. Walk through our tool and learn more about traditional storytelling (a historical retrospection) and the characteristics of today’s digital storytelling (p. 4-11), social media’s potential in storytelling and some great storytelling examples from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tik Tok (p.12-33) and finally an analytical guide on how to use Facebook groups to convey your message with the example of Futuristic Tale and Nick’ Story of Astypalaia* (p.34 -75). Last but not least, we explain the practical advantages of Facebook groups and we answer some questions about how to use the other platforms in parallel (p.76-87).
(*In the video tutorial that accompanies this material, you will find another example post towards the end, named Pedion Areos and it is about the transformation of an urban park in Athens.)
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