The GreenArtivism Festival

🌈 Discover the magic that unfolds when communities come together

Participate in engaging artivist workshops to unleash your creativity 🎨

Laura G. Becarés helped us unleash our most creative side as we worked on our collages. We strived to capture the various natural textures offered by the surroundings of the Biosphere Reserve of Omaña and Luna to create individual compositions and a collective artwork. This collective piece was exhibited at La Casona de Murias de Paredes until mif-November.

Witness the celestial beauty through an enchanting stargazing experience 🌌 and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate

Observation of the Moon, constellations, planets, artificial satellites, and shooting stars, alongside the science communicator José Vicente Casado, and enjoyed an unforgettable evening.

Embark on an insightful geological route 🏞️

In the morning, José Vicente Casado accompanied us on a guided visit to the fossil forest of Valdesamario, a geological point of interest in the region. Come and see it, and… beware of the basilisk.
Next, we approached the town of La Utrera to learn gold panning. There always appears to be a nugget. Could it be yours?

Share delightful moments at our country picnic 🍲

After a morning filled with activities, we all gathered at Riello Park for a countryside picnic. Bring your food, and we provided the appetizers and music.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000029048

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