Conference Room
Orestis Masas
Orestis is a local activist in Cyprus and he will talk about what is the European Green Deal and how are we facing the climate changes in different places across Europe. 👉
Susana Cámara
Susana is an artist from Spain. She will explain the project “Somos Agua” that is undergoing in the Biosphere Reserve Omaña and Luna Valleys in León (Spain).
The project combines art, ethnography and climate change awareness.
Rebeka Kovadid Lukman
Rebeka is a teacher in the field of environmental sciences in Maribor (Slovenia).Â
She champions the belief that education and knowledge stand as our most powerful allies in combatting the climate emergency.
Natalia Castro
Natalia is the Manager of the Biosphere Reserve Valles de Omaña y Luna, in León (Spain).
She introduces what the Biosphere Reserves are and how climate change is affecting the Omaña and Luna territory and their inhabitants. 👉
Beatriz RodrĂguez-Labajos
Beatriz is a resercher at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain). In this video she talks about actions taken in Quintero Bay, an environmental sacrifice zone in Chile.
{Part 1}
{Part 2}

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000029048